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What is Kefir?


Probiotic Powerhouse

Kefir (KEEfir or kehFEER) is a Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and (beneficial) Yeast. These look like rubbery knobbly grains, and they are used to culture milk (preferably full fat whole milk). Placing kefir grains in milk to ferment for a period of time supercharges the milk with beneficial microflora, complete proteins, vitamins and minerals. The word kefir is derived from the Turkish 'keif', which means, 'to feel good'. This refers to the effect of kefir in enhancing mood and wellbeing. At Kefir Pakistan, we have personally experienced these effects.

Video from NPR by Benjamin Arthur and Rob Stein, (embedded here by Kefir Pakistan)

Kefir contains 30+ living strains of various beneficial bacteria, including acidophilus, bifidus, and various beneficial yeasts. These are guaranteed to be alive as you made the kefir yourself from your grains, every day! On the other hand, probiotic pills and supplements, while beneficial, generally contain 1-8 strains of bacteria, processed in a factory. Natural wins: It's alive, fresh, easy and inexpensive.


More videos from the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation illuminate the world of microbes, probiotics, prebiotics and more, below:

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Also known as Bulgaros, the Tibetan Mushroom, Tara, Yogurt Mushroom, Yogurt Fungus, Snow Lotus,Kin-okooryogoot-tane-oko, Tibetanischer Pilz, Galodium, kefyras, talai, mudu, kekiya, yogurt de parajitos,  tibicos (water kefir), kefir grains are cherished in Poland, Germany, China, Japan, Tibet, Chile, Scandinavia, Turkey and of course the Caucasian region. At Kefir Pakistan we receive contacts from all over the world interested in learning about this culture.


These small symbiotic colonies of bacteria and yeast are not 'grains' in the sense of 'cereal grains'. The term more describes their granular  appearance. The microorganisms create a whitish, yellowish, rubbery, bumpy little polysaccharide/protein/lipid structure that has been likened to cauliflower flowerlets. 


Traditionally, before we had pasteurization and refrigeration, people came up with different ways to preserve food. Fermentation is widely recognized as making food much healthier for human consumption. The process produces probiotic organisms, breaks down the food into more digestible forms and produces vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Instead of kefir, Pakistanis generally use yogurt, which is less potent. At Kefir Pakistan, we often make 'doli ki roti', which has been studied scientifically and is considered a probiotic food like sourdough.


Kefir grains feed on milk (cow, goat, buffalo are commonly used) and grow after every milk change. Thus a teaspoon of kefir grains will multiply to supply you and your friends and family indefinitely.


With proper care, the grains will last you a lifetime. Many people having bought grains from Kefir Pakistan tell us that they are growing amazingly fast!


Here is a snapshot of the nutrients in Kefir, from Dr. Axe

From Around the Web

Good to Read

From Around the Web

Kefir grains originated in the Caucasian mountains, in the area between Georgia and Russia. The mountain tribesmen kept them in leather bags hanging in the doorway. Everyone who entered was expected to shake the bag as they passed, to make it culture evenly.


These grains were jealously guarded, protected from outsiders. The Russians finally managed to sneak some grains away from the mountain people with a scheme worthy of a spy movie! The whole story is available on here.  At kefir Pakistan we received feedback from Turkish friends that this food has always been used to nourish and strengthen children.



According to Dr. Gary Huffnagle in The Probiotics Revolution: The Definitive Guide to Safe, Natural Health Solutions Using Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods and Supplements, probiotics  are a vital part of our diet and determine our wellbeing.


PROBIOTICS (PRO=for, BIOTIC=life, ie, life promoting) are microflora (bacteria and beneficial yeasts) that coat the intestinal walls, blocking access for harmful germs and facilitating digestion.


According to Dr. Casey Adams, probiotics can help alleviate the following conditions: 


-intestinal bacteria  infections
-liver disease
-blood pressure
-gum disease and 
-dental caries  (cavities)
-bacterial infections 
-irritable bowel  syndrome (IBS)
-Crohn's disease
-digestive problems 
-allergies eczema
-lactose intolerance-polyps
-kidney stones
-kidney disease

-nutritional deficiencies


Many people contacting Kefir Pakistan actually have digestive and bowel issues. It seems most disorders originate here.


Every batch of kefir grains is different; even within one batch, the probiotic content shifts from time to time.


Here are some of the microrganisms generally observed in kefir:


  • Lactobacillus acidophilus

  • Lactobacillus brevis

  • Lactobacillus casei

  • Lactobacillus delbrueckii

subsp. bulgaricus

  • Lactobacillus delbrueckii

subsp. delbrueckii

  • Lactobacillus delbrueckii

subsp. lactis

  • Lactobacillus helveticus

  • Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens

subsp. kefiranofaciens

  • Lactobacillus kefiri

  • Lactobacillus paracasei

subsp. paracasei

  • Lactobacillus plantarum

  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

  • Lactobacillus sake

  • Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris

  • Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis

  • Lactococcus lactis

  • Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris

  • Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum

  • Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides

  • Pseudomonas

  • Pseudomonas fluorescens

  • Pseudomonas putida

  • Streptococcus thermophilus

Note: Kefir Pakistan has not as yet compiled any scientific data on the subject. This information is gathered from various books, websites and research reports.

-candida infections
-premature birth weights
-baby colic
-ear infections
-anorexia nervosa
-intestinal permeability-keratoconjunctivitis 
-autoimmune disease
-inflammatory diseases
 colds, influenza and  herpes
-diabetes (glucose  control)
-respiratory infections
-rebuilding of the immune system


  • Candida humilis

  • Kazachstania unispora

  • Kazachstania exigua

  • Kluyveromyces siamensis

  • Kluyveromyces lactis

  • Kluyveromyces marxianus

  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  • Saccharomyces martiniae

  • Saccharomyces unisporus


Want to know more? Here are some useful links:





DISCLAIMER: Kefir Grains Pakistan set up this website as a way to spread awareness and share information. Kefir Grains Pakistan is not responsible for any actions taken by any visitors to this site based on anything on this site. Kefir Grains Pakistan aims to share healthy products and information about beneficial products and practices for the benefit of others. Kefir Grains Pakistan has collected and collated information from the internet, books, discussions and personal experiences. All information is attributed or linked to the source wherever necessary. Kefir Pakistan provides all products and information as a public service, and makes no claims about the results of using the same. Kefir Grains Pakistan is more of an online research project and all products found of benefit are made available at economical rates.

© 2023 by Healthy Nutrition and Kefir Pakistan

Kefir Pakistan set up this website as a way to spread awareness and share information. Kefir Pakistan is not responsible for any actions taken by any visitors to this site based on anything on this site. Kefir Pakistan aims to share healthy products and information about beneficial products and practices for the benefit of others. Kefir Pakistan has collected and collated information from the internet, books, discussions and personal experiences. All information is attributed or linked to the source wherever necessary. Kefir Pakistan provides all products and information as a public service, and makes no claims about the results of using the same. Kefir Pakistan is more of an online research project and all products found of benefit are made available at economical rates.

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